Monday, October 23, 2006

Cap Video Response To Brooks Letter

Mr. Guarino is a no show for now ... his loss?

Dear Mr. Brooks:

I am writing on behalf of Mr. Guarino in reference to your letter relating to Capital Video's applications to open up its business at 135 King Street in Northampton. Your insight into the issues regarding this application is appreciated.

Capital Video operates many stores throughout New England. Please be assured that the company’s business is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, patrons, and the community, and the business consistently follows and promotes those safeguards that are available and under its control. The company does not display sexual explicit signage, nor are there any depictions of sexual conduct that are visible from the stores. Capital Video recently re-opened its store in Peabody, MA with a new, fresh look, and has been upgrading its stores to provide a very comfortable atmosphere that is pleasing to adult men, women and couples, and to be pleasing aesthically to the community. The business to be built in Northampton will be of the same caliber as Peabody, and should offer a very pleasant atmosphere, presented in a tasteful and appropriate manner.

The company would like to work with the community to develop a cooperative relationship going forward, and will be happy to meet with the Planning Board and the City Council to discuss, and further develop ideas regarding any issues reglating to the proposed store. Capital Video hopes that the community will continue to respect the rights of all of its citizens.

We appreciate your sincere interest in protecting the first amendment constitutional rights for everyone, and appreciate your support in this regard.

Lesley S. Rich, Esq., CPA General Counsel
Capital Video Corporation
1060 Park Avenue Cranston, RI 02910


Anonymous said...

How smooth and reasonable are the words of Lesley Rich. Too bad Capital Video doesn't back them up with action.

For starters, Capital Video could voluntarily agree to keep their porn shop at least 500 feet from homes, schools, houses of worship, and other places where children are likely to be found.

Capital Video could agree to stop trying to rush the city's decision-making process with threats of going to court. See for example, their local attorney's statements to the Republican:

Then Capital Video could voluntarily stop selling material which encourages viewers to "use, abuse and lose" women, or that involves porn performers who are not using condoms, or that depicts non-consensual activity. See these pages for details:

The zoning proposals of the City of Northampton are asking Capital Video to make some small compromises to head off well-documented risks to the community. The rights of residents are just as important as those of porn consumers. Other towns in Massachusetts have found the right balance. So can we.

Anonymous said...

Other towns in Massachusetts are the places where people are enjoying the freedoms you are threating with your presence here in the community. "use, abuse and lose" ? Whom are you quoting? Yourselves? There you go again, assuming we're all too stupid to question your posts or think for ourselves. We don't need to go to the URLs you post, as reading them provides enough info, thanks. We don't need to have our IP s farmed or our comments moderated by your good selves. We all know your POV, NoPorn. Now shut the hell up and let the community speak for a change.

Always Controversial said...

Whose rushing? Cap Video has no claim until the City passes the proposed zoning. Moreover, there is no need to rush to pass the ordiance before negoitaitons are exhausted -- adult establishments are not grandfathered.

And enough crap about 500 feet being a reasonable accomadation, Adam. Its an rageously disingenious of you to contend that it is not a severe form of censorship. No one would contend otherwise if it were any other type of book or video store, albeit fundemental christain or moslem or moonie cult store. The Supreme Court's City of Renton opinion is just as disingenious as you.

Its that disingenuity on your part that ignited the fire in me to take you on. See the result? Last week at the City Council meeting more people spoke up against the proposed zoning than for it.

If the bill fails, you have no one to blame than yourselves. You should have been honest about the ture nature of your agenda from the beginning. At least I could respected that.


Anonymous said...

AC wrote, "Moreover, there is no need to rush to pass the ordiance before negoitaitons are exhausted -- adult establishments are not grandfathered." If Capital Video is not trying to make an end run around the public debate, why did they file a sham "revised" site plan last week, redefining the 135 King St property to include 10 feet of neighboring land, in order to invoke a provision that allows them to bypass zoning board approval? They are using this legal dodge to try and ensure that any zoning law the council passes will not apply to 135 King Street. But as you said, adult businesses are not grandfathered, so it's likely they will fail.

What do you think the "true agenda" of NPN is, and in what way have we failed to be clear about our motives?

Always Controversial said...

How do you know it is for a sham end around purpose? how can it be? the applicable section of the zoning law clearly states that it may not be used by adult establishments. You always are projecting upon people the worse motives.

I said "true nature" of your agenda, not your true agenda. Stop twisting my words.

And the true nature of your agenda has been and is to banish what you find to be hightly objectional and harmful speech from the pedestrian residents and business customers of downtown Northampton. Be honest for once! You
And stop insulting us with your slight of hand bull shit that you are in favor of free speech. Your are not.

And zoing porn out to Walmart is but a mere inconvenience? You walk to Walmart for your reading and video pleasure. Tell me it is not inconvenient. Stop lying.

Anonymous said...

Capital Video doesn't seem to be as polite in person as they are on paper: